Explore the World


We want to connect people through their shared passion for unique activities — allowing making new friends easier, or even meet up with old ones, with the capability to join similar interest events all over the world within a community from a touch from your fingertip.

Live Event Tracker

Navigate all nearby on-going sport activities and live events.

We know that finding unique live events can be a hassle. You have to search all over the web or social media, who’s hosting it, figuring out when and where the game is being played and it is a lot of work! It’s enough to make you want to cry out of frustration that would make you lose interest on things you once liked.

We, SMAP are here to provide you with the solution. 

Online event / sport bookings

Book more easily than ever with additional rewards.

Ever have trouble with traditional sport facility bookings? The unanswered calls, misunderstanding call bookings, long waiting time, wrong booking made, have gave such inconvenience to your daily sport life. Have you ever wish there will be a rewarding system for every online sport booking payment.

We understand your struggles and desires as we are once one of them.

unique communities

Connect with Unique Communities

Have you ever feel left out? or even not being a part of something? We humans have always need companionship in something to keep us going. However, we realized there is difficulties to be involved in a community, society, club even with the help of existing social media pages. We realized the existing social media do not prioritize specific club and societies.

So, we figured out a way to prioritize people in communities that share similar interest.

Personalized style

Personalize your profile with your interest events and joined communities.

Workout with friend

Join unique communities with up-to-date events.

Tracking & progress

Track your online sport bookings and promotions available.

Fun & competitive

Compete with other communities easily with our challenge system.

Music Events

Book music events nearby you easily

Food Events

Never get missed out from food events where you may explore unique foods.

SMAP Community

Be the First 50 Communities to sign up to be a part of our SMAP Platinum Community.

Benefits of Platinum Community would include being in a team chat system with the founders where special request can be made. Get notified instantly with on-going promotions for Platinum members. Special deals for partner jersey and sport equipment companies.

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Don't hesitate if you have any questions, business inquiry, feedback... or come just say hi!

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bigger today!